Halloween a Smashing Success

This year's Halloween might arguably have been more fun than traditional trick-or-treating. Looking for a pandemic alternative that could engage both kids and adults safely, a small group of neighbors planned a spooky hour of events. Folks showed up in costume, placed their pumpkin in the "pumpkin patch" and waited for the parade to begin. Set to the Ghostbusters theme, we then paraded ourselves around our green. Children then enjoyed the fire and sipped apple cider. Returning to the common house porch, we were in for a ukulele treat. Complete with narration, our ukulele players performed Monster Mash! Then for the pumpkin carving prizes and corny Halloween jokes . . .

Know why skeletons are so calm? Because nothing gets under their skin.

And the moment the kiddos had been waiting for . . . candy! We ended with a goofy skit in the pumpkin patch and warmth around the fire on a chilly evening (with full moon!).

Gratitude for the organizers, bringing us together in such creative ways.

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