3rd Annual Garden Tour

Our garden party looked a little different this year, but several of us still wanted to host it and celebrate our beautiful gardens. The last two years, we’ve made it an appetizer/cocktail party, with each garden offering a food or drink made with items from the garden (think grilled corn, fruit popsicles, cucumber lemonade, adult beverages, shiitake spread, pickles…).

With the pandemic, we did not want to share food & drink, but came up with other ways to enjoy time together and admire the gardens. We put together a garden scavenger hunt (find a mushroom, how many wheelbarrows do you count, best smelling plant, etc.); we gave out prizes in various categories (best garden party outfit, best in show garden, garden w/most unusual plant, etc.); there was a raffle at the end, with the money going to our local food shelf; and garden jokes along the way.

What did baby corn say to mommy corn?

Where’s popcorn?

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because he saw the salad dressing!

Why do fungi have to pay double bus fares?

Because they take up too mushroom!

Many of us garden, though it is by no means a requirement of living here! Most (all?) of us gardeners were able to give our gardens extra care this season, as we worked from home and had more flexible schedules.

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