Twin Calves!

Twin heifers - Clara and Celestine - were born yesterday, December 11th 2018, to Daisy. Twins are fairly rare: 1 in 100 in the industry, and even less at Cedar Mountain Farm (0.6%)!

They were two days overdue and both needed help with delivery. Kerry assisted, as Celestine was a breech and Clara had her head twisted back. She was pushed back in and had her head aligned with her legs before delivery. The wall of the uterus is paper thin, so extreme care is required in assisted deliveries. Breech calves have a higher still birth rate due to the cord tearing early or being compressed.  Needless to say, everyone is happy and healthy. The new calves received plenty of attention today by the 4H students, who can tell them apart by their heads and the fact that one has a silky smooth coat and the other is rougher.
